Riddick Does Jack Show Up Again


"Jack B. Badd" (subsequently "Kyra") is a recurrent character in the Riddick science-fiction movies.

She appeared as a girl in Pitch Black, then as a immature woman in The Chronicles of Riddick.


  • Real Proper noun: Unrevealed.
  • Other Aliases: Audrey, Jack B. Badd.
  • Marital Condition: Single.
  • Known Relatives: None.
  • Grouping Affiliation: None.
  • Base of operations: Crematoria Prison, formerly Mobile.
  • Height: 5'8" Weight: 135 lbs. Age: 17
  • Eyes: Light blue Hair: Brown


Powers and Abilities

Kyra was very acrobatic and a highly skilled fighter, especially with blades.


Nothing is known virtually the girl who would become Kyra prior to the historic period of 12. Some accounts advise that her birth name was Audrey (website). She boarded the space transport Hunter-Gratzner under the alias "Jack B. Badd". She traveled bearded as a male child because she thought people would be less inclined to give her trouble that way.

The trip was interrupted when the Hunter-Gratzner crashed on a planet in the Chiliad-344/Yard arrangement. Information technology was there that Jack met Riddick, an infamous outlaw. Jack was enthralled with Riddick, who was everything she wanted to be — tough and dangerous, feared and respected.

She began to dress like he did and mimic his speech patterns. Riddick, who had a bit of a soft spot for children, quietly humored her and fifty-fifty began to be somewhat protective of her.

Riddick leaves

The odd surrogate father/kid relationship budding between Riddick and Jack ended abruptly when Riddick left her with the Imam Abu al-Walid on New Mecca. Riddick was a hunted man and decided to go out Jack behind and then that she wouldn't get a collateral casualty of the on-going attempts to capture him.


Jack decided to follow Riddick. She traveled to Lupus v and signed up with a group of mercs. Unfortunately, their only involvement in Jack was equally a commodity and she was promptly sold to slavers. She tried to escape and killed several of them in the process. Every bit a result, Jack ended up in the slave-labor prison on Crematoria.

Her disillusionment with the criminal lifestyle was completed when she found out that the operation Riddick had purportedly undergone to get his "eyeshine" didn't exist. Feeling betrayed and abandoned, Jack fabricated every bit complete a break from her by as she could under the circumstances, changing her proper name to Kyra.

A new animal

5 years after he'd left Jack behind, Riddick came to Crematoria looking for her. He hoped to go her out of the prison and to endeavor and make things right between them. Riddick managed to escape the prison with Kyra and even began to rebuild their relationship, but this was interrupted when the Necromongers intercepted them.

Kyra (Alexa Davalos) stares at Riddick

The death cultists had come up looking for Riddick and caught up with him as he was trying to leave the planet. In the ensuing battle, Riddick was left for dead and Kyra went with the Necromongers rather than face the lethal Crematoria sunrise.

Riddick was however live. He followed the Necromongers back to their electric current staging area on Helion Prime number. He entered their flagship and establish Kyra. To his horror, she had undergone the Necromonger conversion process and was now loyal to them.

Outraged, Riddick attacked the Lord Marshal of the Necromongers. Riddick was beaten downwardly and well-nigh to receive the Lord Align's deathblow when Kyra broke her conditioning long enough to stab the Lord Marshal in the dorsum. The Lord Marshal backhanded Kyra into a set of decorative spikes along the walls of the chamber, fatally wounding her.

Riddick was able to kill the wounded Lord Align and comforted Kyra in her last moments.


Kyra was small-framed simply very lithe and well-toned. Her long mane of wavy hair added to her feral demeanor. She wore loose clothing that allowed her to more easily conceal the blades she ever had on her person.


Jack was fascinated by outlaws. When she finally met such a person in the class of Riddick she became a one-person cult of personality, imitating Riddick to the all-time of her ability. He became her role model.

When Riddick left her behind to go into hiding, Jack was devastated. When she was sold to slavers and then concluded upward in prison and constitute out nearly the unglamorous truths of life as an outlaw she felt betrayed. This was all the more than vivid because details of Riddick'south past such as an performance that gave people the ability to see in the dark turned out to exist false.

To put a barrier between the disappointments and humiliations she'd suffered, Jack took on a new persona, going by the name Kyra from then on.

Kyra's reunion with Riddick was very contentious at first. Kyra directed all of her anger over the bad things that had happened to her upon Riddick. She was also very defensive, keeping emotional walls up equally a necessity of survival in prison. Nevertheless, the two reached the start of an unspoken reconciliation as they worked together to escape Crematoria.

In the end, Kyra still cared enough about Riddick to suspension the Necromongers' conversion for a moment and salve his life at the price of her own.


Jack: "Where the hell can I become eyes similar that ?"
Riddick: "You gotta kill a few people."
Jack: "Okay, I tin do it."
Riddick: "Then you gotta go sent to a slam, where they tell yous you'll never run into daylight again. You dig up a doctor and you pay him twenty menthol Kools to exercise a surgical shine job on your eyeballs."
Jack: "So you tin can see who's sneaking up on you in the dark ?"
Riddick: "Exactly."

Kyra: "Where tin I go eyes like that?"
Riddick: Yous gotta kill a few people."
Kyra: "Did that. Did a lot of that."
Riddick: "And so y'all gotta go sent to a slam…"
Kyra: "…where they tell y'all you'll never see daylight again. Except there wasn't whatsoever medico that could shine my eyes, not even for twenty menthol Kools. Was in that location *annihilation* you said that was true ?"

"Jack is dead. She was weak, couldn't cut it. I'm Kyra. A new creature."

"When I said I didn't intendance if I lived or died, you lot knew I was kidding, right ?"

"I was always with you."

DC Universe History

Kyra could have been the former sidekick-in-training of any number of heroes or villains. When her mentor left her backside for fearfulness of getting her hurt, Kyra sought out training from less reputable sources.

She might accept fallen in with groups like Ra'due south al Ghul'southward cult of assassins and ended up either in prison or on the run from the law. Her former mentor might seek her out to make apology for leaving her and to see if he could relieve her from her current circumstances.

Game Stats — DC Heroes RPG

Tell me more almost the game stats


Dex: 06 Str: 03 Bod: 04 Motivation: Anti-Heroic Thrill of Take a chance
Int: 06 Wil: 05 Min: 05 Occupation: Inmate
Inf: 05 Aur: 04 Spi: 05 Resources {or Wealth}: 01
Init: 021 HP: 020

Acrobatics*: 06, Martial Artist*: 06, Thief (Concealment, Stealth)*: 06, Weaponry (Firearms, Melee)*: 06, Weaponry (Knives): 07

Lightning Reflexes.

Imam Abu al-Walid (Loftier), and she would take a High Connection to Riddick if she had a reliable means of contacting him.


Kyra always has some sort of bladed instrument subconscious on her. Examples range from somewhat exotic items like retractable spikes in her boots to razor blades hidden in her rima oris.

Pitch Blackness years

During the Pitch Black era, when she was much younger and less hardened, Jack would have ii less APs on all Attributes and her only Skills were Acrobatics, Thief (Stealth), and Weaponry (Knives), all at two APs.

Source of Character: Pitch Blackness — unrated director's cut (moving-picture show), Dark Fury (anime moving picture), Chronicles of Riddick (flick), graphic symbol played past Rhianna Griffith (Pitch Black, Nighttime Fury) and Alexa Davalos (Chronicles of Riddick).

Helper(s): The official Pitch Black website , the novelization of Chronicles of Riddick.


Source: https://www.writeups.org/chronicles-of-riddick-kyra-alexa-davalos/

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